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My cat Gomez & i

Hi, I’m Renee and I have a confession...

I am obsessed with animals. My earliest memories are flooded with all things animal related. Playing with dogs in the field by my house growing up, reading any animal book I could find and, of course, if a television programme had an animal in it - I watched it. I’m not discriminatory either. I’ve had almost every kind of pet you can imagine. Dogs, cats, rats... iguanas. The list is a bit long. I don’t even mind snakes. Spiders on the other hand...


I was born and raised in the US, however found myself drawn to the UK from an early age. In 2008 I moved here and haven’t looked back! Having working with strays in kennels I have a vast knowledge of both canine and feline natural behaviours. With this understanding the handling of your pet will only be with positive and reward based methods. This coupled with over 10 years experience as a Veterinary Nurse you can rest easy knowing your pet is going to be looked after in mind, body and spirit.


My fascination and education in care for animals has never stopped throughout my life. Helping animals, being around them, understanding them and aiming to make their lives better with my knowledge and experience feels right to me. Some people struggle to find what they enjoy in life. However, caring for animals is not a job to me, it is my driving passion. After all, if you love what you do, its never work anyway.


my Travel Buddy


my Travel Buddy

BSc Degree Work Experience in Thailand

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